
Mustafa Sokullu
I was born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1964. I graduated from the French high school Saint Joseph and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from Bosphorus University. I also completed a Master's degree in Control and Automation Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. I worked as a part-time lecturer at Bosphorus University, teaching assembly language, computer networks, operating systems, and computer structure courses. As a serial entrepreneur, I established one of the first companies for computer and peripheral distribution, LAN and LAN OS development and distributional at the same time CompanyLine Turkiye. This was before the Internet age and aimed to connect 30 countries by using WAN, AI, automatic fax, and telex connected to CRM, facilitating connections between large sellers and buyers around the world. CompanyLine was recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in the world at that time (86-88). After that, I ventured into new businesses. For the past 10 years, I have been working on international data communications, IoT, sensors, control algorithms, predictive maintenance, and sustainability through energy conservation, digital twins, and optimizations. and cofounded Numondial Digital and NuManufacturing IoT & AI Technologies in Turkiye, UK, USA, France.